Plastic Free July
is the perfect month to commit to reducing your plastic waste. A global movement that began in 2011 in Australia and is now a very influential environmental campaign with 190 countries and 100+million people participating in the challenge.
Whether you are new to plastic free living or already on your journey, you can participate in your own way and make a difference.
❤️Some people will decide to choose 1 challenge like BYO coffee cup for the month (even those paper hot coffee cups have plastic you all).
❤️Some of you may choose a few challenges & others will go all in and choose to refuse plastic for the month of July!
Most important, is to make an effort and spread the word.
We need everyone making small changes and together we will make a massive difference in our community.
Getting Started
Keep scrolling for some of my favorite challenges (also known as easy swaps) to join in.
Best of all, being part of Plastic Free July will help you to find great alternatives that can become new habits forever.
The good news is, anyone can get involved.
Click the image for more tips and tools to spread the movement at home, work and community.
To Go Coffee Cups
Most coffee cups aren’t recycled.
*By bringing your own reusable coffee cup, or taking the time to dine-in at your favourite café, you can make a huge difference.
Plastic Shopping Bags
Plastic bags are incredibly dangerous to our wildlife and environment.
*Bring your own reusable bags and help put an end to this plastic waste.
Plastic Straws
Many bars and cafes put plastic straws in every drink.
*Reduce plastic waste and protect wildlife by requesting your drink without a plastic straw or bringing your own reusable alternative.
Fruit & Vegetables
Many grocery stores pre-package their fruit and vegetables in plastic and offer plastic bags for loose items.
*BYO reusable produce bags instead of the plastic bags that are usually provided.
Dental care
It takes hundreds of years to decompose those plastic dental products.
*Switch out your dental care with more sustainable alternatives to toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss.
Plastic water bottles
Many people buy plastic water bottles when they’re out and about, only to discard them after one use. Buy a reusable water bottle and avoid single-use plastic.
Food Storage
Plastic cling wrap is a staple item in most homes. Many products are pre-packed using it, too.
*Alternatives exist that are just as effective, and more sustainable.
Takeaway cutlery & containers
When getting takeaway (or ordering in), it’s easy to forget about the plastic cutlery and containers they provide.
*Bring your own alternatives to make a huge impact.
I am so thankful to for all the useful information they provide for us all to share with our communities.
Please share this email with a friend, or ask someone to be your partner in taking the challenge to reduce your plastic for the month of July.
Click the images to order these swaps online or stop in the store to chat about other ideas we all have to share.
I love getting email responses, so please continue to reply to me with ideas or requests.
It takes a village and we are all making positive changes for a better planet💕
Peace, Love and Refilling for the planet,
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